radiofrequenvcy waves

radio waves

What are waves basically?


Simply put, these waves are a spectrum of electromagnetic waves that require a receiver and transmitter to operate (such as radio waves). When these waves are exchanged in the skin tissue, they produce heat, which is used to rejuvenate the skin.


How does fractional RF work?


This system, sometimes called MFR, and also known as Microneedle fractional RF (RF), works by inserting very fine needles into the skin that exchange radio waves between them. This exchange of waves produces heat in the dermis of the skin, and this heat causes the production of new collagen and the shrinkage of old collagen.


The word fractional means an integral part, which means that only parts of the skin are heated and that most of it is not exposed to heat. This makes it free from side effects. Fractional is one of the latest methods of facial rejuvenation. On the other hand, the effect of partial radiofrequency on rejuvenation is so great that it can be said that Araf fractional is the best method for facial skin rejuvenation.


What are the advantages of this method?


The most important advantage of radiofrequency is that energy is given exactly to the dermis. For this reason, the surface layer of the skin is not damaged and only the skin may turn red for 24 hours. This feature makes the fractional radio frequency in green-skinned people unobstructed and can be performed in hot seasons. A quick return to work without interruption is also one of the advantages of radio frequency. These are the benefits that make fractional RF technology the best way to rejuvenate skin.


The effect of fractional radiofrequency on the skin:

It stimulates collagen production in the skin and thus tightens the skin

Eliminate or reduce wrinkle lines around the eyes or lines around the mouth

Eliminate forehead lines and reduce them

It helps the absorption of the topical medications on the skin

Reducing the appearance of wrinkles, skin blemishes, and sun damage

Treating acne scars and chickenpox

Reducing the appearance of scars and cracks

Reducing the appearance of open skin pores


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